Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just and Holy Principles, featuring John Taylor

"...No man, no government has the right, at the instigation of traitors, to destroy innocent men, women, and children. God never gave them such a right, and the people never gave it to hem, and they never had it." (p. 29)

"...We expect to see the nations waste, crumble, and decay. We expect to see a universal chaos of religious and political sentiment, and an uncertainty much more serious than anything that exists at the present time. We look forward to the time; and try to help it on, when God will assert his own right with regard to the government of the earth; when, as in religious matters so in political matters, he will enlighten the minds of those that bear rule, he will teach the kings wisdom and instruct the senators by the Spirit of eternal truth; when to him 'every knee shall bow and ever tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ.' Then 'shall the earth be full of knowledge like as the waters cover the sea.' Then shall the mists of darkness be swept away by the light of eternal truth. Then will the intelligence of Heaven beam forth on the human mind, and by it they will comprehend everything that is great, and good, and glorious.

In the meantime, it is for us to plod along the course God has dictated, yielding obedience to his divine laws, and be co-workers with him in establishing righteousness on the earth; and with feelings of charity towards all mankind, let our motto always be, 'Peace on earth and good will to men.'"

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